Tuesday, 18 February 2014


The link of today is- 
The world's future rests with Technical Education Instructors educating the future craftspeople and professionals of tomorrow.

All noble initiatives irrespective of time possess a modest beginning. The emergence of a new landscape in educational arena at the birthplace of Lord Krishna was in the form of Lord Shiva Trust established in the year 2008 to realize the Vision of its founder Trustee CA Sanjay Agarwal. The Trust has been formed to impart education among the students irrespective of cast, creed, religion and social status along with involvement in other social welfare activities for the development of various sections of the society and community. Thus the journey of Eshan College of Engineering began one year after the establishment of Lord Shiva Trust ie in the year 2009.

This is perhaps the most appropriate time in human history with all kinds of creative possibilities made available to mankind by science and technology. The global and economic transformation has led to the development and enhancement of the professional and technical education that will now demand a balanced and vibrant pool of intellectual resources that can stand the test of time and exhibit extraordinary skills, attitudes and proficiency that can be welcomed by the industries.

Eshan College of Engineering was established with this aim to constantly develop the excellence of education, to raise the aptitude of the students so as to facilitate them to embark upon a successful career.

Eshan endeavors to accomplish this objective through a proper blend of high academic and practical skills supported by first-rate infrastructure, teaching methodology, dedication to quality management,highly motivated and committed resource pool, visionary leadership and a strong corporate patronage.The perfect blend of highly skilled, experienced and energetic faculty with real life industrial & academic experience with a passion to pass on their expertise to the knowledge seeking students thereby carving them to serve the industry, academia and the corporate world with utmost professionalism is what make Eshan stand apart from its peers.

Vision & Mission
  • To create intellectuals who have an innate ability to achieve excellence through perseverance and hard work
  • To utilize the intellectual capital created by the institute to foster a close relationship with the industry.
  • To improve the quality and value of human beings irrespective of gender, caste, creed, nation.
  • To promise quality life to one and all
  • To offer Globally-Competitive talented Professionals.
  • To forge strategic alliances for greater upward mobility.
  • To convey need-based education of relevance that can contribute to societal & industrial expansion of the area.
  • To raise and maintain scholastic excellence to promote innovation, scholarship and abilities to analyze, experiment and amalgamate.
  • To impart need based education and create an ethos for research of relevance.

  • Zeal to enhance and zest for change
  • To promote acquisition and dissemination of knowledge relevant to technical fields
  • To participate and contribute in the holistic development of the society and the students
  • Strict adherence to commitments
  • To foster learning, creativity and team-work
  • To widen teaching, organizational, research and development skills.

  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Quality
  • Team Work
  • Professional Excellence
  • Human Touch with Social Object
  • Commitment

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